“My name is Captain Jack Sparrow,
-ah, I take it some of you have heard of me.”

2 0 0 3 - 2 0 2 0
::: Owner of the 'Tropic Of Capricorn' :::

::: Log-Buchschreiberin und Chronistin des Captain :::

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Steampunk & Hatmadders on Facebook ☠ Silken Steampunk ☠

Mittwoch, 16. September 2009

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Aloha Mateys, ich bin heute die ganze Zeit von Nena das Lied "Lass mich dein Pirat sein" am trällern, kommt singt mit: Let me be your pirate. On all the seven seas. We'll sail to the horizon and only the moon will come with us ... zum Anderen möchte ich euch für Samstag zum "Sprich-wie-ein-Pirat-Tag" einladen. Zunächst war das Ganze mehr ein interner Spaß unter zwei Freunden. Erst als die Beiden dem berühmten Kolumnisten und Pulitzer-Preisträger Dave Barry von ihrem neuerfundenen Feiertag berichteten und dieser daraufhin 2002 eine Kolumne verfasste, bekam die Idee internationale Aufmerksamkeit.

Der Tag wird jährlich am 19.September begangen. An diesem Tag soll man beispielsweise statt üblicher Begrüßungen wie „Hallo“ Formulierungen bzw. Akzente gemäß dem Klischee einer angeblich speziellen „Piratensprache“ verwenden. Yo-hooo ...

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2009

What are ye planning for September 19th?

Since Talk Like A Pirate Day fell on a Friday this year, it was a loooooong weekend of partying like pirates.Let us know what you did , an' we'll tell the world!

This year, we're especially interested in hearing about pirate parties organized as fund-raisers for good causes; they're marked below with a special icon.

Don't miss the photos! Send us your own best picture - just ONE, please! (We'll also accept links to yer on-line photo gallery).

Find out what the media's saying about Talk Like A Pirate Day here. And what the Pirate Guys themselves (and associated wenches) have been up to here. And don't miss the fan mail!

What happened around the world on International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2008

(The page got too long, so we've moved the party plans and all the other real-world stuff to a new page; clicking the links below will get you there)

Events supportin' good causes

On Sept. 19th:

  • In the New York Times Crossword Puzzle on Sept. 19 featured In 31 across was "talklikeapirateday" and 8 down was "shivermetimbers." (Ol' Chumbucket, in particular, was wowed).

Thx 4 hint ♥ lovely Meg

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