“My name is Captain Jack Sparrow,
-ah, I take it some of you have heard of me.”

2 0 0 3 - 2 0 2 0
::: Owner of the 'Tropic Of Capricorn' :::

::: Log-Buchschreiberin und Chronistin des Captain :::

Jack Sparrows (B)Log-Buch on Facebook ☠ Huzzah ☠

Steampunk & Hatmadders on Facebook ☠ Silken Steampunk ☠

Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014

::: Seasons in the Sun :::

Aloha & Ahoi dear Mates & Mateys, 
say 'Hi' to Seasons in the Sun.


We had Joy, we had Fun
we had Seasons in the Sun.

But the Hills that we climbed, 
were just Seasons out of Time ...

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